The Aichi Banch of Wild Bird Society of Japan

Recommended Links about Herons and Egrets

Here are interesting websites and useful books about Herons and Egrets.

The Japanese Night Heron -ecology and behavior-  Kunio Kawana

The Japanese Night Heron, breeds only in Japan, is designated as “endangered” species on the Red Data Book 2014 issued by Ministry of the Environment. This book, “The Japanese Night Heron-ecology and behavior-“, is written by Kunio Kawana who researches the ecology of this Heron and acts to protect its habitat environment. Because very few books are written about the Japanese Night Heron, this book is indispensable to the people who are related to research and protect this Heron.

Website of Miyuki Mashiko

Miyuki Mashiko, who obtained a Ph.D. in Biological Science at University of Tsukuba, Japan in 2014, researches the ecology of Herons and Egrets. Mashiko has published many papers on the ecology of science since she was a junior high school student. Not only for publishing papers, Mashiko also illustrates cute egrets in her website and she provided a little egret illustration for our original goods in 2016. See this muffler towel with the egret illustration. Cute, isn’t it?

The reason why Egrets have chosen the highway Interchanges

In this booklet for children, the reason why Herons and Egrets have chosen the forests of Kanie and Yatomi highway interchanges is easily explained with many illustrations and pictures.This booklet is also available on the Internet.


Noh "Egret"

“Egret” is one of the tranquil and elegant programs of Noh, which is classical Japanese musical drama performed by several Noh performers. In the “Egret”, Egret is performed by a Noh performer whose age is over sixty.
Summary of “Egret”:
When the Emperor composes a poem near the pond in the garden, one Egret flies down to the garden. The Emperor orders a servant to capture the Egret. The servant tries to capture the Egret, however, the Egret flies away. The servant speaks to the Egret that this is an order of the Emperor, and then the Egret flies back to the servant. The emperor is pleased and confers a rank on the Egret. The Egret is also pleased and performs a dance.

Egret Decoy on the

Egret decoy can be purchased through in the U.S.A.We purchased nine Snowy Egret decoys and eight Great Blue Heron decoys through and imported to Japan. All decoys are being placed at the target safety area to move the Egret colony. This decoy operation is under experiment.

Shirasagi Jinja (Egret Shrine)

Shirasagi Jinja (Egret Shrine), this rather unique shrine is located in Tochigi prefecture. Usually, near a main shine, several guardian dogs made by stone placed, however, in this “Egret Shrine”, guardian Egrets are placed to welcome visitors.


Reference books

Here are the books related to Herons and Egrets. All books, some books have been out of print, though, can be available through the Internet.

Noda no Sagiyama (Egret Colony at Noda). 1980. Akimitsu Kosugi. Asahi Shimbun Publishing Co.


The egret colony which once existed at Kaminoma, Saitama prefecture Japan, was, as far as we know, the largest egret colony in Japan. According to this book, the egrets started to form the colony around 1720s. The number of the adult egrets was at most 10,000, and, with juvenile birds, the number was about 30,000 at the peak period. But the number of egrets rapidly decreased in 1960s because of the use of agricultural chemicals in rice fields, in the end, the Noda colony disappeared in 1972. The history of Noda colony is well explained in this book. No doubt that this book is the best book for learning the Noda egret colony.

シラサギの森 (科学のアルバム20) 1972年 田中徳太郎(著)あかね書房



白サギの詩 (岩波グラフィックス3) 1982年 田中徳太郎(著)岩波書店




白鷺 天空のファンタジア  1989年 田中徳太郎(著)玄光社MOOK



THE HERONS HANDBOOK  James Hancock and James Kushlan(著)1984年 HARPER & ROW社


サギ類専門の図鑑。世界中のサギ類60種について解説している。とにかく詳しい。ダイサギ亜種4種類(alba, egretta, modesta, melanorhynchos)、チュウサギ亜種3種類(intermedia, plumifera, brachyrhyncha)、コサギ亜種6種類(garzetta, nigripes, immaculata, dimorpha, schistacea, gularis)、アマサギ亜種2種類(ibis, coromandus)のイラストがそれぞれ違いがわかるよう並べて記載され、しかも非繁殖羽、繁殖羽、婚姻色の違いまで描かれているという念の入れようである。さらに採餌方法から求愛方法にいたるまで詳細な解説がうれしい。発刊された年は1984年とやや古いがこれほどまでにサギ類に詳しい図鑑は他にないのではなかろうか。日本のAmazonからでも古書を入手出来る。


THE HERONS OF THE WORLD  James Hancock and Hugh Elliott(著)1978年 HARPER & ROW社


アメリカから取り寄せたのだが、その大きさにびっくりした。縦36cm 横24cm 重さ2kg以上という大型本である。 生息場所を背景にした1ページ丸ごとの大きなイラストはオーデュボンの絵のようで美しい。世界のサギ類61種について解説している。










LONG LEGGED WADING BIRDS  Lucian Niemeyer & Mark Riegner (著)1993年 Stackpole Books社



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